We're so glad you're here!

Store Hours
Monday - Saturday: 10am to 5pm
Sunday: 12pm to 5pm

Buying Hours
Monday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm
Please only bring in 25 items or less at a time so we can get through everyone's buy quickly.

What we're not taking at the moment (check back here often, because it's always changing!):
- Baby baths
- Halloween Costumes ("every day" dress up items are okay. For example; doctor, princess, chef, etc.)
- Anything overly "Holiday-leaning"

What we're being selective on:
- Maternity clothing
- Gear in general
- Snow gear
- Carriers

What we're looking for:
- Seasonably appropriate shoes in great wearable condition (specifically need sizes 9, 10, 11, 12)
- Rain gear
- Swim

Please subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on Instagram/Facebook to stay up to date on all the updates and fun things happening at the store. Links are at the bottom!

Thank you for your continued support!



Childish Things

9776 Holman Rd NW, #102
Seattle, WA 98117

(206) 789-1498

Monday - Saturday: 10am to 5pm
Sunday: 12pm to 5pm

Buying (as of 1/10/25): Monday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm

In the Santa Fe Grill plaza. Behind the Holman Shell station.

Get directions

A few of the New Product Brands we carry